Sunday, June 18, 2006

The Care and Feeding of Various Flora and Fauna

The Yang-Temko garden project (2006 version) has officially gone high-tech. This morning I purchased a new sprinkler head and electronic timer for the purpose of being more consistent with the watering of my garden than I have been in the past month as the various commitments I have have taken my schedule, shat upon it, and then buried it for use as compost (alas, not in my garden, else 'twould serve a prupose). With luck (and after a thorough drenching on my part during configuration) my garden will now get 10 minutes of a gentle soaking every morning. I hope this shall produce high yields of yummy fruits and vegetables!

Even without high tech help, however, the first fruits are off the vine! We have 3 perfect tomatoes, 2 of the roma variety and one of the sandwich variety awaiting our sandwich or salad (or hell, just plain salt) pleasure. If you are a local reader of the chronicles sign up now to get your share of the remainder of this year's crop! I have also replaced the pretty little daisies at the end of the driveway with a hydrangea, which I hope will grow into a large, beautiful bush over the next few years. I've decided I just love hydrangeas, so I want to try my hand at them. I'll post pictures tomorrow if anyone is interested.

Also, if any of you have been wondering where the companion blogger has been, I can tell you - she's been here! That's right, the companion bloggers were housemates for a few days while Meeeeeeeegan was in town for a conference. We were all too delighted to have her, and of the many fascinating discussions we had over various forms of imbibery (the Lagavulin was particularly nice, but coffee in the morning on the deck is hard to beat, even with the Stupidest Fucking Dog in the World barking at us (which I must admit he did for much less time than I expected!)), one of them was about this interminable project I have been "working on" (if you use that term very loosely) for the better part of about 8 years now, which I have officially shelved for the time being in order to work on something new. I am not sure what the something new is going to be yet, but I think the format will be a serial short story, which I post to once a week at a given time without fail, which I hope will be a good test of the new writing method with which I'm going to be experimenting. I'm not above taking suggestions or bribes as to subject content, tho I have a few ideas in mind. Watch this space for more developments shortly.

And finally, for those of you wondering about things childish, we are still, after 6 weeks, waiting for Wanda to start her period after her cyst aspirations. We are not, according to a home pregnancy test, pregnant. Not even a little bit. What we are is mystified, and pretty fucking sick of the waiting game. We're calling the doctors tomorrow to ask them what in the wide wide world of sports is a-goin' on - no idea what's next. We'll keep you posted.

1 comment:

saurabh said...

The thing to do, obviously, is to somehow get the Stupidest Fuckign Dog in the World to shit in your garden. I have cooked up the perfect Rube Goldberg device to accomplish this task, but unfortunately my scheme will not fit in the margin of this blog comment.