Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Pilot to bombardier, pilot to bombardier...

Tonight I gave Wanda the HCG shot (the first of many shots in the ass with an appallingly long needle) , which means in 36 hours she ovulates like mad. Our egg retrieval surgery is set for Wednesday morning, 10 AM (not 3 AM). The transfer is set for either Friday morning or Monday morning, depending on whether or not they have enough fertilized eggs to do PGD. We hope so! Meanwhile Tuesday is, wonder of wonders, miracle of miracles, a shot-free day! No jabs in any part of the body for Wanda! Yay!

We'll report back with the egg count after surgery Wednesday. Count to really large numbers for us everyone!


meeegan said...

Enjoy the day of no needles!!

saurabh said...

Unfortunately my mental image of someone ovulating like mad is extremely reminiscent of constipation.