Saturday, January 26, 2008

Adoption Update : Cheese-It, The Feds!

Today we got fingerprinted as part of the requirements for the I600-A application which we wrote about earlier. The worst part of the experience was glancing up at the board to see "Now serving : 152" and getting handed number 221. Other than that, it was actually fairly painless. The staff were all courteous and very helpful, even going so far as to fix Wanda's name in the system, as we were told they would when we called ahead to double-check our reservation (yes, a fingerprinting reservation).

The coolest part was the fact that fingerprinting has gone high-tech. They essentially scan your fingers, sort of a high-brow equivalent of putting your ass on the scanner and photo-copying it, only done by people with no senses of humor whatsoever (and you'd have to have the world's smallest ass to scan it on these things - they were 4 inches by 3 inches square). They still roll your finger across the pad, just like you see in all the movies, but instead of messy ink all over the place, you get to watch it scan in on a beautiful (and very hygienic) high-res monitor (hygienic-res?). I have a scar on my ring finger (from what I do not know) that looked incredibly cool when scanned in on this system. Far more fascinating than it should have been.

So, now we really have to behave ourselves, because the feds are only a strand of hair away from knowing everything about us that's possible to know. Probably they collect those surreptitiously as you go in the door.

Also, last night as I tried to fall asleep after having had too much caffeine (we've been off caffeine a long time now, so any amount of it really does a number on me) I started looking at Kiva. I do believe I will be making some micro-loans in my near future - the concept is entirely too brilliant and humanity-serving for me to pass up. When I do this I will post here with updates as to my new status as banker-baron.


meeegan said...

I like the idea of Kiva, and I know several other friends who have had good experiences as lenders in its system. So go on with your bad microloaning self!

Pete and Jan said...

Excellent idea about Kiva. The thought that I've somehow spawned a venture capitalist, though, is enough to make my old socialist heart sore.

I'm also interested in the scar on your ring finger..perhaps that was one of those rare occasions when the injury wasn't severe enough to take you to the emergency room. (Man..I thought the social welfare folks were going to take you away from us there for a while!)

Didn't you have to go get fingerprinted in high school or junior high or something? The old messy way?