Sunday, March 02, 2008

Still Laughing

I've recently become aware of a show called Robot Chicken, brainchild of Seth Green. It's difficult to describe, but think Laugh-In performed by stop-motion animation. Sometimes it's silly, sometimes it's hysterical beyond belief. Each episode only runs about 15 minutes or so, and my favorite so far is the one during which Steven Tyler gets sent into space on an Armageddon-like mission, but can't stop throwing up all over everything, including the inside of his space-suit's visor.

So, there's a Robot Chicken homage to Star Wars. It contains a scene many of you have probably already seen before, wherein Darth Vader is calling the Emperor (collect) to tell him about the death star's destruction, while the Emperor is meeting with two members of the trade confederation which started all the trouble with Naboo. There is so much more, but I don't want to spoil it for you.

Please, I beg of you, if you love Star Wars at all, you must watch it:

PS - still waiting to get the results from our I600-A (typed that first as "I666-a")...


Anonymous said...

if you like that you might like the voltron "you got served" bit. the show is a bit of "throwing stuff against the wall" but the stuff that works is gold, like the big brother version using horror movie characters and the episode starring "rape ghost".

Anonymous said...

it is a bit of "throwing stuff against the wall" but the stuff that works is gold. superfriends on real world and "rape ghost" are funny.

Pete and Jan said...

You know..I'm retired..and I ought to have time to watch it all. But..I'm old and susceptible to diseases, some of which are evident even in the first episode.

That is funny stuff, man...the emperor is someone I know, I think...

Sam Brady said...

OMG. The best part of the whole thing was Jar Jar showing up to haunt Vader after being airlocked. I almost peed myself!

DLM said...

Great stuff, I think my sister has seen some of that show. Reminded me a little of the movie "Clerks" where characters debate on whether contractors on the Death Star were innocent victims or compliant since they agreed to work for the Empire.

Anonymous said...

So that's where that clip came from...I started watching and could not stop until it was finished. The Boba Fett sequence where he taunts a frozen Solo...BRILLIANT!