Friday, May 23, 2008

Adoption Update : Officiality; et. al.

I apologize for :

a) not keeping up with the Berlin posts in real-time, as we had intended. I blame Dunkel.
b) interrupting the upkeep of Berlin posts, as it destroys continuity, but this is important news:

Today we received word of our official login date (LID)! It was:

April 29, 2008.

This is the day we officially hit the books in China. We're in the system now, and all we can do is cross our fingers and wait. In the meantime, we're going to try to remember what happened the other 2 days in Berlin and post them.

But not now.

Right now we're in Charleston, SC, gearing up for Wanda's performance with the New Trinity Baroque ensemble during Piccolo Spoletto. She's giving two concerts, one on Sunday at 3 PM and one on Monday at 3 PM. If you're in the area, drop by! I got to listen to her practice on the way down to Charleston from Atlanta, and I can tell you, it's going to be a stupendous experience!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your LID! We are LID 05/11/07 for China as well. Not to bring you down, but please prepare yourselves for a long wait. we were not so prepared and became greatly disappointed. When we started our paperwork in December 2006, we were told 12 months wait from LID. When our LID was given we were told maybe two years from LID. Now, on year later, with the backlog of dossiers in China compared to the rate of referrals, (not even taking into consideration the Olympics) I don't think we'll have our referral for quite some time - possibly another 3 to 4 years on top of the year we already waited.

On the other hand, if you are patient just hang in there and look forward to that time.

During your wait if you want to chat with others who are waiting, feel free to drop in at You can share as much or as little as you want. It is a well put together site and everyone has been such a great source of support for each other.

Again I didn't want to bring you down since you do have great news, but I also didn't want you to not know what is ahead of you.

DLM said...

Great news on the date! Also loved Berlin updates - sounds fab and good pictures. Little envious - you two in Berlin, J&L in Italia and I'm in friggin' Cbus! Oh well!

Pete and Jan said...

Ooh...that's daunting, isn't it. I hope you'll do better than the poster. But...nothing but good can come of it, no matter when. of good cheer.

Yeah, dlm...but..its a happenin' place, I read!