Tuesday, November 04, 2008

It has been nearly twenty-nine years

since we landed in Los Angeles as new immigrants in America, and as I voted this morning I was struck by the overwhelming dominance of Republican control in the time we've lived in the United States. Of these 29 years, we've had a Democratic President for only 8 of them, and those were some of the best in the last three decades. We need to turn the tide and work toward real change. While I will always be a Hilary supporter, it's important to not let the other side dominate any longer. The corruption of American work ethic, moral character, and economic policies have brought us to this uncomfortable and unsettling state.

I still remember the pride I felt sitting in Citizenship class in high school, believing that it was my duty to understand how government worked and to participate. While much jadedness has occurred over the years, once again I want to feel more connected to the political process.

After nearly 30 years of being an American, now there are only fleeting moments when I feel like a stranger: for instance, when I meet a listener who pauses for a moment to assess the fact that I am not Caucasian, as they have pictured in their minds. It's going to be a really good thing for people all over the world and here at home to not just picture an old white guy when we talk about the President of the United States. Instead, we'll see an African American male, or even a woman (GO HIL 2012!!!). To deny that external racial differences exist is just as ignorant as being a racist. What I hope to see and feel some day is that the typical image of someone in authority is not that of a white dude, and that maybe this will happen in the next 30 years? Here's to hoping and working for it.


meeegan said...

That's a great story, and a terrific perspective.

I'll only quibble with your date: how about TWO terms for Obama, then two for Clinton, in 2016 and 2020? :-)

DLM said...

I was in front of a new citizen in line to vote on Tuesday - he was so excited and so charming. Said his daughter wanted him to vote absentee but he wanted to experience going to voting booth. Told him "That's wonderful and congratulations - so glad you're here", he was so happy.

Pete and Jan said...

That's a great story. I feel sure that the country has turned a corner of some sort. I never expected to see this in my lifetime.

Maybe a Jewish president now? Certainly a woman in our lifetimes..even ours. And as surely there will be no limitation in your lifetime. Young people seem to have little patience with racial barriers..at least I hope they don't..and they seem to have voted that way.

The only hopeless cause I can think of is...an atheist as president. Sigh..