Friday, March 20, 2009

It's about time!

With nothing else but three concerts in two weeks on my plate, I have finished a first draft of my doctoral document. Yes, I like to work under pressure. I'll be going to Bloomington next week to see my committee members and to help speed the approval process along. I can't believe that I will actually finish the damn doctorate. The one thing I do fear is that after next week I'll be faced with the realities of having lost a job that I loved. Emotionally I have put aside much of the grieving process because I had something important to accomplish. In about 10 days I'll be alone with my grief. As I continue to struggle with what all of this change means, I am so thankful that I get to make incredible music with people I love and respect. Thanks, ASOC, MOS, MMC, and Phil on the Hill!

My profound passion for the classical radio business continues, and maybe it's simply time that I struck out on my own. Atlanta is not a provincial town that requires its classical music to be given only in small doses and only the hits, please! With one of the greatest symphonic orchestras in the country, one of the best symphonic choirs in the world, and one of the most respected regional theatrical companies in the country, this city is artistically sophisticated. We deserve classical music that has depth and variety presented with respect and knowledge. It is patronizing to believe that Atlantans only want to hear what they've already heard before. I realize that not everyone has heard Beethoven's 9th, so we must look out for those listeners. But, I also know that people need a wide variety of music 24/7. As far as I know, Atlanta has never had an FM station devoted entirely to classical music, and that's an outrage. I think it's time for one. Don't you?

1 comment:

VOLcano said...

I would imagine, given the costs, having an all-classical station would be a tough nut. If you had it as a “sister” station for WABE, then you might be able to operate it more efficiently, but would you then eliminate music from 90.1 in favor of the other station, or would compete? I have been in cities with an all classical and all NPR/New/Talk format, and it seemed to make everyone happy. I would love to see that here, and I would certainly increase my donation if that came about.

Best of luck with your Doctorals!