Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Under the radar, under the weather

In a race befitting the grand tradition of... oh say the Laughalympics, it appears that both the Chronicles and our companion site have been blog-slacking pretty comprehensively over the last month. In defense of Meeeegan, however, I will note that her solo output nearly doubles the Chronicles' combined two-author output, so we must be clear as to our relative measurements here. In short, we suck.

My own excuse is that I've been finishing up other projects in the hopes that I will be able to devote more time to this whole writing thing, but, in the grand tradition of great-american-novelist-wannabes, I've failed to measure up to the demands of the task. And with the Christmas season approaching, this does not appear to have a chance of changing in the near-term. I did manage to produce my first-ever DVD of an archived tennis match, however, with all of the commercials edited out, and title screens and music and everything (they're coming to take me away, ha haaa!), so the interim has not been entirely wasted. Next up on that front is a wedding dvd (one my dad can actually watch)!

I've also been fighting a head cold that Wanda brought back with her for me from New York City. My wife went to New York City and all I got was this lousy head cold. And a t-shirt from the Carngie Hall shop. Oh and a kick-ass hand-puppet of the fearsome rabbit from "Spamalot". It has sharp pointy teeth! I came out ok.

Another point I wish to make while I'm posting is that I seem constitutionally incapable of posting anything briefly like Meeeeeegan does. I think if I had to write up something as adroitly and succinctly as she always does my hands would cramp. This is a characteristic I think I must work on. Look for more one-offs in this space soon.


Sam Brady said...

Is a blog entry bemoaning the fact that there have been no blog entries really a blog entry? At least my similar entry morphed into a story about my XBox. All wwe got from you is a head cold and a rabbit puppet. Pfaugh.

meeegan said...

I want to see a photo of the rabbit puppet, though...

Brevity is the result of not having time.

Anonymous said...

Hey, this is totally normal for blog life, I think.

That being said, how about an RSS feed? It looks like it's as easy as flipping a switch, and that way I can be told about your updates when they happen (and ignore you when you don't :p )

Anonymous said...

I agree with Meeeeeeeeegan, I wanna see the rabbit.

ps-I claimed no responsibility for any typos in the message, I bumped my brain on Saturday and it's still recovering...

Benjamin said...

Dave, the site feed is here:
