Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Adoption Update : Home Study I

This afternoon I received a call from our social worker from the home study organization! We are officially scheduled for our first meeting with them this Friday at 10 AM. Thank goodness they aren't coming to the house just yet - we need to vacuum in the worst way! Excavation of the area rug in front of the sofa would surely reveal fossils from the mesozoic age. Even better, their office is only about a 3 minute drive from us, right across the interstate on Clairmont - how convenient for all!

Tonight, however, is Valentine's Day, so Wanda and I are going to the Atlanta Botanical Garden's Valentine's in the Garden event, which looks to be very nice (and COLD) indeed. We consider all outdoor walking in cold wether to be training for Paris, though, so it's all perfectly fine by us.


meeegan said...

So, how did the visit go on Friday?

Anonymous said...

I'm with Megan, eager minds want to know. I hope it went well!