Friday, February 09, 2007

Adoption Update - Major Step!

It's been a while since we updated this, mostly because we were in the process of plowing through paperwork. I am delighted to report that we have completed the enormous stack of paperwork required to get our home study going and have shipped it off to the agency for processing.

We're on our way for sure now!

The adoption retreat turned out to be a really good thing. We got lots of shit organized, got ourselves in touch with what's left to do and the time frame in which we could get it done. We're pretty much on target now, so the next step is to get our first home study visitation in so they can tell us just exactly how baby-proof our house needs to become before we actually start bringing babies in.

Meanwhile, have we told you we're going to Paris in a few weeks? We figure while we're childless we're taking advantage of being able to just pick up and go to, er... pick up and go to Paris! We'll post pictures we take here when we return (it's not until the weekend of the 23rd, which is Wanda's birthday, which is ostensibly the reason for this trip (tho really it's a joint birthday party venture)).

One more thing to add - the new GG Kay book, Ysabel, is out and sitting on our sofa waiting for me to crack the spine. YAY!!!


Anonymous said...

ooo, have lots of fun in Paris. The only time I've ever been was actually, well, with y'all and only the airport...where we were really loud and obviously american.

I'm glad things are going forward with the adoption!

And, once you read Ysabel, you must post a review. I wonder if I can get it on inter-library loan....

meeegan said...

Woohoo for the adoption paperwork progress!! I hope the home study folk are quick to get moving on their end of the deal.