Thursday, March 08, 2007

Adoption Update + The Real Miami Sound Machine

We've finished our social worker visits for the Home Study portion of our adoption proceedings! We had our in-home interview and Wanda had her personal interview this past week, and all went just fine. She liked our house, she liked our neighborhood, and she likes us, she really likes us! Next week we finish that set of paperwork and then begin the final push to gather the rest of our requirements. We're getting there!

Meanwhile, today the ASOC heads to Miami for a weekend engagement at the ACDA National Convention to sing Ralph Vaughan Williams' A Sea Symphony. It's an amazingly fun sing, and since our recording of it won the Grammy, we expect enthusiastic crowds. Plus, it's 80 degrees down there, so we're packing sunscreen and swimsuits! I knew I should have gotten into better shape over the winter - I resemble nothing so much now as an over-ripened cement truck.

Paris stories and pictures are coming, I promise! We had a miserable week following our return from Paris as we were both extremely sick the entire time (including the time in Paris, alas), and just haven't felt up to the task. We're better now, so upon our return from Miami we'll blog the Paris trip, and then after that the Miami trip. Stay Tuned!


meeegan said...

How funny -- we're singing the Sea Symphony right now too! Getting it ready to perform next month.

I have to admit, I am not charmed by it. But I think some of my uncharmedness is a result of a nearly illegible edition plus my tired eyes at our evening rehearsals plus the bifocals I have hated since the instant I put them on three years ago plus the horrendous and inadequate fluorescent lighting in our rehearsal space.

Anonymous said...

I thought the piece was a fun sing as well- I speak in defense of it (but I will admit it's not the most astounding piece of music ever, but fun)! Although I don't know I'd want to do it again. Hey, they didn't do the stupid slide show this time did they?