Monday, October 01, 2007


We've now signed up for the Dragon Dossier Service with Great Wall China Adoption, and no, it does not mean what you think it means. We are now using the agency to assist us in the document certification and authentication stage. They send us a FedEx envelope, and we send them the stuff they say we need to send them. Whew! This should make things easier. Today, I have obtained the notarial seal for the copy of my Chinese Birth Certificate, and tomorrow morning I have an appointment with Immigration to obtain a certified copy of my Naturalization Certificate. The picture on it is hilarious. My hair is so tall; actually, more specifically, my bangs are really tall. Besides that, Ben has ordered new Certified Birth Certificates, and we will go get our police reports real soon. Oh yeah, we both have appointments for our physicals this Thursday, October 4. Funny little story about that...well...

The CCAA (China Center of Adoption Affairs) unveiled a new set of regulations at the beginning of this year, and for some reason we both thought that the weight requirement was a BMI (Body Mass Index) of 30 or below. We have operated under this assumption, especially regarding our early summer Phase One South Beachness. You can see the whole list here. For fun, I thought I'd look up the regulations again, just in case we had missed anything, and lo and behold, I discovered that the BMI requirement is 40 or below. So, instead of Ben trying to lose five pounds in 10 days, he can actually be as heavy as 279 pounds and still be within range. DOH! Not that he wants to weigh 279 nor do I want to weigh 248, but we could:-P This will most likely result in some bier trinken by my beloved very soon. He has abstained for the last 10 days or so. What discipline! Our terrible collective memory has resulted in us getting in better shape, even if we feel a little bit blond today. Whew! I'll keep you posted as we keep gathering speed on this adoption journey.

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