Friday, February 06, 2009

The Source

In case anyone had a question about the mastermind of the current changes at my former radio station, the GM admits to being in charge in this article.

Even with the new electronic Portable People Meters reporting their first stats and transforming what we think of radio listening, this is still true.  When one is trying to create a consistent sound, interruption means tune-out.  A talk show in the middle of six hours of classical music creates a disturbance and not increased interest.  Also, when you read the article, the GM is admitting that the Noon talk show will become a dumping ground of previously aired pieces on the news magazines.   How's that for creating "a great conduit between the listener and more exposure to the Atlanta arts community?"  This talk show means less arts coverage because it will seek to repeat what already has been done, and not to create more coverage.  The purpose of this programming change is an obvious move to add more talk and take away more music on the station, and this article names the source.


VOLcano said...

Keep up the good work, Wanda. Don't let WABE think that you (and the rest of us) are seeing the gradual chipping away at the amount of classical music being played. First, it was Saturday and Sunday mornings (a radio cooking show?), then Sunday afternoon went away. It is not a positive trend...

Pete and Jan said...

Man...its one thing to move away from something, its another not to know what one is moving toward. It seems that stuff is being thrown against the wall in hopes that someone will figure out what they're doing.
