Tuesday, August 07, 2007

On the move

The Chronicles has gone out of the country yet again, and we didn't even fucking manage to finish the last Paris according to the Chronicles. Our last trip was to Dublin and London, ostensibly to sing at St. Patrick's Cathedral in Dublin and Westminster Abbey in London, but really it was because our full-Irish/English-breakfast-ometer was reading dead empty, and that's just not a good thing. Four hundred pigs, 67 cows, 9000 proto-chickens and no less than 30,000 acres of various grain fields are now in their respective states of expiration thanks to us.

Newly discovered beer favorite : Smithwicks

And oh yeah:

Hottest temp we faced on the trip : 81
Temp we faced deplaning in Atlanta : 94

FUCK it's hot around here!

So we have a few days back to frantically get our working lives in some sort of re-order and then we're off to our first ever Temko Family Reunion in Lake Tahoe. Looking WAY forward to that!

We've both finished HP7.

I've not played tennis in 2 weeks and it's killing me.

I think we gained all of the weight back we lost prior to the trip. This was the idea, but it's slightly depressing to have followed The Plan so perfectly thoroughly.

More later... maybe...

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