Monday, November 19, 2007

Adoption Update : Major Milestone!!

It's been a while since I raised my voice on the ol' blog here, I realize. It seems as though I've been in the middle of one long stretch of living too much to have time to write anything about it. Well, that changes today.

Lots of you have been patiently waiting and asking what-the-fuck-is-up with our adoption status. Today we sent off the first of two massive FedEx packages to Great Wall Adoption containing a really ridiculous bulk of paperwork which we have painstakingly collected over the past few months. We have one more of these mailings to go, and then we're done with everything but the waiting.

The really good news (as if that wasn't good enough) is that the stuff we need for the second mailing is already done, pending the finalization of our home study, for which we've just completed our last mandatory social worker visit! Once we finalize the home study, we send that entire mess off to the U.S. Government for its blessing, and once we get it back we send our second huge mailing off to Great Wall.

The number of hoops, ladders, roadblocks, hazards, and general government fuckery we've had to jump though, climb up, navigate around or beat to a bloody pulp with our fists has been utterly, comprehensively mind-boggling, but it's DONE. We are THIS CLOSE to being done with everything but the wait. And MAN do we look forward to it! We were getting seriously tired of the guilt that would hit us during a day when we didn't have time to chase down that piece of paperwork, or call some government official to bug them about the status of our request for information. The last few forms are just for us to fill out and mail to people. We'll be getting that done as we wait for the return of our documents from the government, so that when they get here, we turn them right back around to Great Wall.

So raise a glass everyone, the hardest part is done! Done done done done done DONE MOTHERFUCKING DONE!!!


meeegan said...

Yay for DONE! Yay for THIS CLOSE!!

Sam Brady said...

Break out the beer bongs and the body shots, THE SOCIAL WORKER IS GONE! WHOOOOOOOOO!!!!!