Tuesday, November 06, 2007

We're Soooooooo Close

Finally, I think I have an employment letter that will suffice for our China Dossier!!!! It is only the fourth version I've obtained since January of this year. We began the year way gung-ho, and then we took a big ol' break for the majority of the year. We have been in super-completion mode for the last 6 weeks or so, and this was an important step for us. The first letter was no longer good because we let it lapse more than 6 months. Then, then second one was not notarized, so I had to ask for a third. The third was no good because the notary commission expired today. However, miracle of miracles, we have a second notary public in the building, so I was able to have her sign off on the fourth and hopefully last employment letter. I'm gonna fight with Immigration again tomorrow morning. Wish me luck!!!!!


Sam Brady said...

North! West! North! West!

meeegan said...

Go Wanda Go!