Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Success at Immigration!

As per my post from October 2, I have been waiting for Officer Griffin to call me when my "dead" immigration file has been resurrected. Well, surprise, surprise, I have heard nothing from her or anyone else at immigration since that wonderful day. So, this morning I took the bull by the horn and made another appointment to wait for 90 minutes to have my 5 minutes at the counter. Amazingly, I waited only 25 minutes this time around, and when I walked up to the counter, Officer Gilmore seemed much more sympathetic than his cohort. At first he said that they don't do that at this office (meaning that they do not possess the G-24, Certification of Documents, which must accompany a copy of my Naturalization Certificate in order for it to a Certified True Copy). Well, I gently insisted that Officer Griffin was in possession of one of these forms when I last was at the facility on October 2, and that she has not contacted me regarding my status since then. I also did not waste time in turning on the pathetic and pleading persona that I can feign when need be. I was ready to cry, if necessary. C'mon acting chops, go! My new strategy worked, for Officer Gilmore returned after about 15 minutes with the G-24 all ready to go. We are even closer now. Hooray for Officer Gilmore and HOORAY IN GENERAL!!!!!


Sam Brady said...

Rico Palazzo! Rico Palazzo!

Bureaucracy rockz!!


meeegan said...


And I'm glad you didn't have to cry, crocodile tears or otherwise. :-)

Anonymous said...

Oh man, it's amazing that little victories can feel so sweet.

Now, on beHALF of Governor ROY BARNES and Mayor Shirley FRANKlin, I'd laahk to way-ul-come eeyoo to this COUNtry.