Tuesday, August 23, 2005

The Lack of Hormones, or the Hormonally Challenged

Just this morning as I was watching the Today Show (yes, that dreaded piece of fluff), I imagined holding our child and saying, “Your Daddy and I have been waiting six years for you to arrive…”  Wouldn’t you know it? I was overcome with tears and even as I’m typing my eyes fill with tears of longing.  So many women have the privilege of complaining about their pregnancies because they have never known the depth of disappointment and heart break that we’ve endured.  Sometimes I want to scream at them.  Wake up you ^&@%#)(‘s!  Stop taking your reproductive prowess for granted!  Look at how easily you created LIFE!  Stop complaining, you ungrateful turds!  I guess without estrogen I get a bit…aggressive.

1 comment:

meeegan said...

Sure, blame the hormone treatments. :-)

I think the thought you're expressing is right on, though. Though I've intentionally never (thank god) tested my reproductive capacities, I have sometimes thought "Man, there are lots of people who want to have children but can't. Why couldn't my situation, presumably mirroring my mother's ease with getting pregnant and giving birth, be magically swapped with theirs?"