Friday, August 26, 2005

When Salad Gets Boring

While at lunch yesterday and for no reason I can think of, one of the famous ethics questions popped into my head:

If you could have sex with anyone in the world, and nobody would ever know, and they'd never remember it, would you?

And then the follow up:

What if you would never remember it?

It then occurred to me, holy shit, I might have been taken advantage of hundreds, even thousands of times, and I'd never know it! Maybe I've even taken advantage of thousands of other people - I don't know, I CAN'T REMEMBER!!!! What kind of MONSTER am I?!?!

I then devolved into a fit of giggling, which I'm certain made the table next to me pretty nervous. Maybe even the people sitting at the table, too, but they were harder to read.

1 comment:

meeegan said...

Perhaps a different menu item would bring up a different ethical question. Moving on from your salad days?