Monday, April 10, 2006

Irons in the Fire

So let's see -

1) Wanda is currently on super-progesterone ("angry pills") which, it is hoped, will shrink these eternally damnable cysts to the point where we can start an in-vitro cycle and carry it through to its (it is fervently to be hoped) successful completion. She's been on them for an exciting 2 weeks, and in that time, one of her cysts got smaller, one got larger, and a new one showed up on the radar. We are on the angry pills for 3 more weeks, and then if the things (the cysts, not the pills) aren't gone the doctor is going to aspirate the fucking things and we're off to the races.

2) The garden is in! A row of carrots, a row of broccoli, three roma tomato vines and three "big boy" hybrid tomato vines (we love hybrids in this house). Tomorrow I run to Home Depot to get some small staked fencing to keep the wascally wabbits out. Last year they did a number on my carrots, and I'd like to avoid that this year. Look for me wearing a brown and red hunting cap soon...

3) The Stupidest Fucking Dog on the Planet has gone missing! Last Friday a group of burly men cut down every single tree in the uphill neighbors' back yard (one assumes they did this with permission). It is now a bright, sunny, airy space that is short by one obnoxious dog. Apparently at some point during the arboral annihiliation a fence got accidentally pummeled, Jersey got out, and hasn't been seen since. I am waiting for the neighbors to knock on my door and angrily accuse me of something (for once, I am perfectly innocent of all charges). I do hope the little guy is OK, I'm just hoping he's OK somewhere else.

4) There aren't any interesting stories to tell, I'm afraid. Well, there's the time I met Joshua Malina in Houston and got to talk to him for a good 5 minutes about SportsNight (I have proof of this meeting somewhere), also they lost our luggage en route to Houston (it's George Bush Airport, for pete's sake, what did we expect?)... oh and then there's the details about why the day mentioned in the previous post was my best professional day ever... and maybe I should give some details about our recent trip to Carnegie Hall...

OK, so we're slack. We're going to catch up now.

1 comment:

meeegan said...

Yes, you should!

And isn't it an injustice that Sports Night got cancelled? It had such good writing!